For those new to it - QOYA is based on the idea that through movement, we remember. We remember, as women, our essence is wise wild and free.
WISE- Calls on the wisdom of yoga
WILD- The creative expression of dance
FREE - the freedom to feel pleasure in our bodies
These ancient essences lead us to feel the sacred pulse of life that is within. When we feel this pulse we honor it and express it with greater clarity + joy.
The theme for class is COURAGE. The root of the word courage is cor – the Latin word for “heart.” In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant “To speak one's mind by telling all one's heart.” We will dance with our relationship to courage.
As some of you may know, I’m embarking on a new-(ish ) path and learning how to teach Qoya! I’ve always been a dancer, but Qoya offers a new perspective—not dance as performance, but dance as a way to remember our essence, dance to remember our wholeness. While I’ve been a dancer for over 20 years, and a yoga teacher for over a decade, Qoya is truly a gift because it’s NOT about WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE and it’s ALL about HOW IT FEELS. There’s no way to to it wrong. Let me say that again—no levels, no ranking. THERE’s NO WAY TO DO IT WRONG. And you know you’re doing it' “right” when it feels honest and true. This has been a body revelation for me, and I’m excited to share it with you.
Bring: yoga mat, journal, layers for comfort, water, and your sweet sacred self.
Space is limited. RSVP by registering with Dharma Yoga Loft, or email me to save your spot and then you can pay me with cash/check the day of! If you have any questions you can email me